Elizabeth Bohn
"I enjoy creating beautiful art and the mystery of antiquity. I also love sculpting and bringing the arts into my home. There is such richness and intriguing thought surrounding the myths, epics and legends from around the world associated with each of these figures. My goal is to bring a multi cultural diverse offering. Many of the pieces that I create are inspired by ancient artifacts. I do transform them somewhat by making subtle changes and gestures. I first sculpt the figure in clay then I create a mold of my original. I mix and pour each piece by hand, using my own medium mixture. Once they are cured I remove them and sand out the details. Lastly, I finish them with layers of paint and sealer. I personally take each piece from start to finish with great thought and care. They bring much joy and inspiration to my family and into my home. Finally and most importantly is that I would love to inspire and share them with you." - Elizabeth Bohn