Paul Reynolds
Paul Reynolds is an artist from a small village in Oxfordshire, England. He graduated with a degree in Illustration from Cambridge University before moving to New York to pursue his Masters from the School of Visual Art. He works as a freelance artist and consultant, traveling the US demonstrating inking techniques and products. Paul now lives in Louisville, Kentucky.
"I began this series of pen and ink drawings during the first weeks of lockdown. While we were all isolating in our homes, I was reminiscing about things that I missed the most – color, whimsy and fun. This series of drawings were inspired by the small joys I remembered from my childhood. A birthday party, a fire station, a car wash. Recreating these carefree scenes brought some light to what seemed like otherwise dark times." - Paul Reynolds
Paul has been a long-standing artist of Revelry with his intricate pointillism and detailed masterpieces. He has been a part of Revelry since the very beginning and it has been wonderful seeing his work evolve throughout the last ten years as he moves into new imagery and mediums.